Lord, thank you for your blessings and thank you for working in my life. I ask your continued patience as I seek to refine my "hearing" in drawing out those things you are communicating to me.
Despite my wants, I understand you have a greater intent. Forgive my lack of trust and curiosity wherein I desire to know why I am deprived of my brother and my friend. Also forgive my drowning in emotion over these things which leads me astray from focusing on the inherent message you are giving me.
I ask that you assist my inner vision, help keep it clear of the feelings of despair, loss and bewilderment I am experiencing. I do truly know you will guide me to an answer should that be what you intend for me. I also know and trust that answer will be witheld if I am not to know, which I will meet with patience and acceptance.
Please be with my brother and his family. You know of their challenges, and the challenges unique to my brother as the leader of his family. Please grant him insights which lead him closer to you and his family in turn.
Please be with my friend. I fear his recoil at my presence is due to an unecessary weight. If provided with the opportunity, please take my pledge that I will work in the most Christ-like way I know to right any wrongs I may have brought to his life. Peace be with him and his household.
Thank you for hearing me. In your name, Amen.