Monday, September 22, 2008

Election '08: Are We There Yet?

I'm a politics hound, all over current affairs and the state of things from day to day from Washington and abroad. Thanks to the superlative onslaught of all things stupid that is Election '08, I'm officially over it. Well, for a while at least.

I'm ready for this thing to be done. I'm crying uncle. The McCain/Palin ticket represents all things that are insidiously wrong with our political system and the only thing that drives me more crazy is their audience. I've sat and watched this ticket tell lie after lie after relentless lie as people clap and cheer. In other words, they're barely listening and are obviously not checking into anything. God steady me if they win.

I don't think I could take another 4 years of unabashed idiocy, willful ignorance, insane personal agendas and dangerous decisions. I'm not saying an Obama administration would be flawless, but I literally can't perceive Obama putting out the sheer volume of dumb that I've watched being exported from the McCain/Palin campaign like plastic stuff from China.

By the way, it wouldn't kill me to have a President that is at least half-way sophisticated and well-spoken enough to herald back to "those days." Yeah, you know what I mean.

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